I Was There
REMEMBRANCE: I was an original Senior Producer of Cable News Network at its birth on June 1, 1980. It was a life-changing experience that I cherish.
On June 1, 1980, a bold enterprise began - the world's first 24-hour news network. I was there.
CNN was the brain child of Ted Turner, a visionary. I am proud to say I was one of the original Senior Producers. I produced a show called "Take Two," anchored by the late Don Farmer and Chris Curle. It was similar to the network morning shows with newscasts, studio interviews, live remotes and regular features. The difference is that we had a staff of about 6 people (including anchors), while those network shows had hundreds of staff.
"Take Two" was one hell of a ride. I had never produced a live television show in my life. There really is nothing like that experience. Every day you are pushed for higher creative achievements while always risking creative disaster.
As mostly everything in the show was live, I had to know Plan A and be prepared for Plan B, if Plan A faltered. And, often, I had to dig into Plan C when everything started to go South. My staff said they knew I was in trouble if I suddenly stood up in the control room. They weren’t wrong.
(David Guilbault, Chris Curle, Louise O’Neill Vance, Don Farmer, Guy Pepper)
Very much of our success on the program was due to the talents, curiosity and work ethic of our anchors, Don & Chris, our director Guy Pepper, our Producer Louise O’Neill Vance, our producer-in-Washington Elissa Free and our booker Gail Evans. They were a remarkably creative professional team. I was privileged to have them have my back.
(Gail Evans)
(Chris Curle, Elissa Free & Don Farmer)
I can’t recall and remark about this time without giving special kudos to our president, CNN’s original and visionary president, Reese Schonfeld, who was always an important and powerful supporter of our program.
(Reese Schonfeld)
And, of course, what would we have been without the ever appealing, unflappable & understanding Flip Spiceland, who saw his weather segments on “Take Two” cut short too many times, for time, because we ran out of time, too many times. Again, sorry Flip.
(Flip Spiceland)
So, I thank my colleagues, the founders of the Cable News Network, for the life-changing experience. Happy birthday, y'all. Too many of us are no longer bringing us the news.
Here is an album of photos taken by me over the first two years of CNN, in Atlanta, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. Cliche alert: It’s truly a time capsule of bygone days.
A warm and graceful recounting of your CNN colleagues and experience. I assume some of them are still around and would love to see this.
You were one of the pioneers. I joined a few years later. It was truly a blast to be part of the early CNN experience.